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Thursday, August 26, 2010

On Tuesday the 24 of August, 32 students from Pukekohe Intermediate School attended the zone cross country at Paparimu School. The race was ran at a close by farm. It was a very good day placing first in the year 7 girls and second for the year 8 boys and year 8 girls. The course was a real New Zealand cross country course, we had some impressive placings by all kids and some top 10 placings by a few. The course was very challenging and most of us took it well and we ALL tried are completed hardest. We would like to give a big thanks to Janine Fryer and all the parents that supported us on the day!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Touch typing

On the 20th of August I did my test on the website To see how fast I can touch typ. What I got for my rating ( Word per minutes) was 9, Number of typing characters I got 33, Number of mistakes was 8 and Success Percentage was 76%.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Maths Week 2010

This we where celebrating Maths week. We all got to create a page on , at our own mathematical ability.We would compete in game like Mathex with other classrooms in the school. We got to solve classroom problems in the 10 minute sprint and if we won we all got a bag of lollies eat. Later in the week we got to take part in the code cracker challenge all over the school .

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


people around NZ will be buying $3.00 VSA friendship bracelets and wearing them to support the work of VSA volunteers in developing countries that no not have a lot of money.This year Project Friendship is focusing on youth.

Front Page Design

For the first four weeks of this term we will work in groups to create a front page of a newspaper.We will use the criteria stipulated on the NIE Newspaper Front Page Design Competition.We all where working in groups of four. we all had our own jobs to do in the amount of time to have it completed. We had to write 2-3 stories, create an editorial on the topic: Reading a dying art or an essential skill. We had to had it by amount of time.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Chocolate sales

This term we have been selling Cadbury chocolate to fundraise for the school. The year 8s where fundraising for a year 8 trip and new equipment for the schools sport. If they soled one box it would pay for there trip. The year 7's were fundraising for the camp in 2011.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Maori Language Week

This term we have had the pleaser to celebrate Maori Language week. The theme for the week was food and culture. We all celebrated it by playing games and making posters. One of the games was fishing which room 43 took out getting 11 fish. The poster competition was stiff but Ana and Jade took that out. Te reo Tuesday was casted on PINTV with a bunch of kids. Lenny did the job of announcing the daily frasses. Just to round the week of we all got the chose to have a feed of a hungi.