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Monday, June 28, 2010

News Paper

This is the news paper that we did when Miss Morris was with us. We had to make some of it up but apart from that the rest was true. We had to write about our science fair boards and what we learnt about them when we did them. What I learnt was that 80% of franklin is made out of Agriculture and that 20& of franklin is made out of Domestic I thought that was really interesting. Then we had to make up what wasn't true about the world. I put in upcoming events, Avatar and a lost dog that I sore on Google.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Youth Week Mufti

These are the Youth Week Mufti kinds in room 23 that entered the competition but only one of them made it in. Shenoa in our class made it and won the hole thing and got a fifteen dollar voucher for the school canteen to spend.

Miss Morris

This term we had a student teacher called Miss Morris. We had her in our class for four Weeks and they where cool. Miss Morris came from A.U.T on the North Shore. When she was with as she helped us make a class new paper and it was fun the class wished her well when she left and she hoped to come back.

Merit Certificate

Last term I got a Merit Certificate at the year seven Assembly for Teach/Arts from my music teacher. The rules are that if you get three Merit mentions you get a Merit Certificate and if you get three Merit Certificates you get a big one. My next goal is to get two more Merits .

Thursday, June 24, 2010


Our school has entered into the Maggi kitchen showdown and if we win we get a lot of money and our school is going to spend it on more Teach/ Arts stuff so we have all been told to vote online for our school so we can win. The team has been put in the womens weekly and it has talked about what they have been put in with lots of other schools around New Zealand.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

In our class at period 5 and 6 Mrs Pearson showed everyone in the class a new website, were you can take a test about what's going on in the world. Mrs Pearson also told us to watch the news and read the newspaper and we will know what the answers are because its stuff that will be in the newspaper and news. There is news at 5:30pm on Prime or at 6:00pm on TV1 or Tv3, otherwise we can read the newspaper. The URL is . The website is called Current Affairs. Its a current affairs quiz which we take each Friday now. It is a fun quiz to do. You can do it in your spare time. There are all different quiz's for different dates. You should check it out is a really cool site.

Thursday, June 10, 2010


By the end of this year on the 5 of september I am taking part in the Tauranga AIMS to reparsent my school . You can take part in many sports like netball, soccer, hockey and many more. I am going down for tennis. It goes for 5 days we all travle down in vans.And compete with all The other people all over New Zealand.