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Sunday, May 16, 2010

What Now

At the start of term one, we had What now come to our school and we play games with them.They slamed as well we where all on TV.Three people went down to christchurch for the finals of What Now but they didn't win so they flew back up to Auckland.

Student learning plan

This is my student learning plan for this term.That has all my goals for me to achive for this term to help my learning.




Having a licence can mean life or death. A licence is a permit from a governing body to
allow a person to take responsibility and follow rules and guidelines by law. So we have a safer community. There are many situations when an unlicenced person can cause life or death.

This was the case, at Easter time when a neighboring gun owner, fired bullets that ricocheted over to our family farm, travelling up to 200 meters towards our camping spot, where I was kayaking on our pond with my 4 year old sister. The 4 bullets narrowly missed my family by less than 1/2a meter it felt like we were in a war zone. The police were called and someone was arrested for being an unlicensed firearm owner. And not checking his environment before discharging a weapon. This was the scariest thing that has ever happened to me, I could have been killed. The police said if he had a licence he would have known to check his environment first before shooting pukekos outside his kitchen window. This is the most important rule taught when sitting for a firearm licence.

Imagine flying in an airplane 10,000 feet high with an unlicenced pilot. Would you jump on the back of a motorbike reaching speeds up to 180km per hour with an unlicenced driver. Put your innocent life in the hands of an unlicenced lawyer. Visit an unlicenced doctor with a life threatening illness. You need a licence for all sorts of reasons with many different consequences for being unlicenced. It doesn’t bare to think about what could happen if these people were not licenced, A Hairdresser, Bar tender, Taxi driver, Astronaunaut, Tattoist. Just to name a few.

Health and food safety inspectors make sure businesses have a licence for food so we don’t get food poisoning.

Our community survives by the rules governed with licence holders. The consequences can be jail, a fine, cause injury or worse death.

When you sit a licence the person is given the information needed to carry out that activity safely. Without that information you could hold somebody’s life in your hands, just like our neighbour.

When you have a decision to make wether to get a licence or not make a wise choice. It could mean life or death.