This term Pukekohe intermediate has been working very hard to finish off this year’s yearbook. Each and every classroom had to finish of a page on their class and sports that the school has took part in. it took hard work to finish it but it was all worth it.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Athletics Day
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Touch Rugby
Bike Bash
On the 15th of October a group of kids went with Jack to support the Bike Bash for Canteen in Pukekohe, at the Market Square. We all had a great day, when we started off with some skipping with Counties Manukau Sports and they taught us a lot of new games. Then we saw Ronald Mc Donald supporting the bike bash to, as he was biking hard. We stopped to ask if we could take a photo with him. Then he gave out some hats with his signature on it. There were lots of games and face painting, [Jack had done some on us, it was a little bit itchy to start off with, but we got use to it.] Surinder then told us that we could all take over on the National Party bike, so we all had a turn on it for five minutes each. There was an Auction on some clothes that Athlete from the Delhi Commonwealth Games had. Some of the clothes sold for at least 100 dollars. It went to a worthy cause, Canteen. After that Pukekohe High School came to perform cheerleading for us, and then it was home time, but there were still people biking for another seven hours.
Thursday, October 21, 2010

There are lots of variates of books like: some of the books are easy reads and others have tones of pages. If you aren't that great at reading you have some books that don't have a lot of description and some of them have lots of description.
Touch Rugby

Sunday, October 17, 2010
Welcome back to term four
Welcome back to term four, at the moment we have been having good weather has been very warm, so we have to wear hats and P.E gear and also bring drink bottles because of Athletics training. Lately we have been working very had at our seminars in week seven and tests in week 3.
Bike Bash
Bike Bash
On the 15th of October a group of kids went with Jack to support the Bike Bash for Canteen in Pukekohe, at the Market Square. We all had a great day, when we started off with some skipping with Counties Manukau Sports and they taught us a lot of new games. Then we saw Ronald Mc Donald supporting the bike bash to, as he was biking hard. We stopped to ask if we could take a photo with him. Then he gave out some hats with his signature on it. There were lots of games and face painting, [Jack had done some on us, it was a little bit itchy to start off with, but we got use to it.] Surinder then told us that we could all take over on the National Party bike, so we all had a turn on it for five minutes each. There was an Auction on some clothes that Athlete from the Delhi Commonwealth Games had. Some of the clothes sold for at least 100 dollars. It went to a worthy cause, Canteen. After that Pukekohe High School came to perform cheerleading for us, and then it was home time, but there were still people biking for another seven hours.
Thursday, August 26, 2010

Thursday, August 19, 2010
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Maths Week 2010

Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Front Page Design

Monday, August 16, 2010
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Maori Language Week

This term we have had the pleaser to celebrate Maori Language week. The theme for the week was food and culture. We all celebrated it by playing games and making posters. One of the games was fishing which room 43 took out getting 11 fish. The poster competition was stiff but Ana and Jade took that out. Te reo Tuesday was casted on PINTV with a bunch of kids. Lenny did the job of announcing the daily frasses. Just to round the week of we all got the chose to have a feed of a hungi.
Monday, July 5, 2010
House Sports
Monday, June 28, 2010
News Paper

Sunday, June 27, 2010
Miss Morris

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Sunday, June 13, 2010
Thursday, June 10, 2010

By the end of this year on the 5 of september I am taking part in the Tauranga AIMS to reparsent my school . You can take part in many sports like netball, soccer, hockey and many more. I am going down for tennis. It goes for 5 days we all travle down in vans.And compete with all The other people all over New Zealand.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Student learning plan
Having a licence can mean life or death. A licence is a permit from a governing body to
This was the case, at Easter time when a neighboring gun owner, fired bullets that ricocheted over to our family farm, travelling up to 200 meters towards our camping spot, where I was kayaking on our pond with my 4 year old sister. The 4 bullets narrowly missed my family by less than 1/2a meter it felt like we were in a war zone. The police were called and someone was arrested for being an unlicensed firearm owner. And not checking his environment before discharging a weapon. This was the scariest thing that has ever happened to me, I could have been killed. The police said if he had a licence he would have known to check his environment first before shooting pukekos outside his kitchen window. This is the most important rule taught when sitting for a firearm licence.
Imagine flying in an airplane 10,000 feet high with an unlicenced pilot. Would you jump on the back of a motorbike reaching speeds up to 180km per hour with an unlicenced driver. Put your innocent life in the hands of an unlicenced lawyer. Visit an unlicenced doctor with a life threatening illness. You need a licence for all sorts of reasons with many different consequences for being unlicenced. It doesn’t bare to think about what could happen if these people were not licenced, A Hairdresser, Bar tender, Taxi driver, Astronaunaut, Tattoist. Just to name a few.
Health and food safety inspectors make sure businesses have a licence for food so we don’t get food poisoning.
Our community survives by the rules governed with licence holders. The consequences can be jail, a fine, cause injury or worse death.
When you sit a licence the person is given the information needed to carry out that activity safely. Without that information you could hold somebody’s life in your hands, just like our neighbour.
When you have a decision to make wether to get a licence or not make a wise choice. It could mean life or death.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
ME Project
because I love to play tennis. On our me project we had
what we liked to eat, what move we liked to watch, what our favorite
colour is, and our family.
We had to have them finished in four weeks.
I chose my family,my hobbies witch was Tennis, I chose my move
witch is Twilight, I chose my favorite is Geromimo Stilton. We had to present them in front
of the class.